MRI Unit

Our MRI unit houses a Siemens MAGNETOM Tim Trio 3.0T whole-body MRI system suitable for human and animal imaging.

Available RF coils:

  • 32 Channel Head coil
  • 12 Channel Head coil
  • Knee coil
  • Neck Coil
  • Spine matrix
  • Flex coil

Available sequences:

  • CMRR Multiband EPI sequences.
  • fMRI and DTI licenses.

Peripheral equipment for fMRI:

  • MRI compatible LCD screen (Troyka Med)
  • MRI compatible response boxes and fMRI trigger box (fORP 904 Interface by Current designs)
  • EyeLink 1000 Plus. Click here for the details.
  • Mock MRI scanner.
  • MRI compatible pneumatic sound delivery system (Troyka Med)