Center’s By-Law


Clause 1 – Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center was established in Bilkent University in accordance with the Rectorate.


Clause 2 – The center’s main aim is to understand the working principles of the human brain at the molecular, cellular, cognitive and behavioral level and to develop techniques that can be used in the treatment and diagnosis of human nervous system diseases.

Management bodies of the center

Clause 3 – The center’s management bodies are formed by the Central Director and the Central Executive Committee.

Director of the Center and Duties

Clause 4 –  The Director of the Center shall be appointed by the Rector for three years from among the university lecturers concerned with the Center’s field of study. The terminated director can be re-assigned.

The Director of the Center is primarily responsible to the Rector for the activities of the center on a regular basis, for the oversight and supervision of all activities and for the results thereof. The Director representing the Center chairs the Central Executive Committee and takes necessary preventions to ensure the regular and efficient conduct of the center’s work.

Central Board and Duties

Clause 5 –  The Central Executive Committee consists of two faculty members and a central director who are selected by the Center Director for three years among the instructors related to the study area of the center and approved by the Rector.

The Board of Directors makes decisions about the activities of the center, prepares its annual activity report and work program.


Clause 6 –  This regulation gets valid on the date of publication.


Clause 7 – The provisions of this regulation are executed by the Rector of Bilkent University.