Neuroscience research at Bilkent University is an interdisciplinary effort involving faculty members from the National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM), the National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), and the departments of Psychology,  Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, and Molecular Biology and Genetics.  Its aim is to understand the working principles of the brain and nervous system at the molecular,  cellular, systems, and behavioral levels and to develop treatments and diagnostic technologies and methods for nervous system-related disorders.

Bilkent’s Brain Research Center (Aysel Sabuncu Beyin Araştırmaları Merkezi, ASBAM), of which construction had been made possible by a generous donation from Aysel Sabuncu, serves the needs of the Neuroscience Department, together with UMRAM under one roof; supplying the equipment, and laboratory infrastructure necessary to support their rapidly growing research groups. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience research, faculty and students from different fields come together in a positive synergy, which benefits their growth and performance. The establishment of this center has created a point of attraction for new faculty, thus aiding in the growth of the Neuroscience Department, leading to a larger portfolio of externally supported projects.